上次写的 memcachedbctl 脚本的 配置文件 memcachedb.conf

##-p <num>      TCP port number to listen on (default: 21201)
port = 21201
##-U <num>      UDP port number to listen on (default: 0, off) don't open it
#udp-port = 0
##-s <file>     unix socket path to listen on (disables network support)
#socket-file = /tmp/memcachedb.sock
##-a <mask>     access mask for unix socket, in octal (default 0700)
#perm = 0777
##-l <ip_addr>  interface to listen on, default is INDRR_ANY
#listen =
##-d             run as a daemon
daemon = 1
##-r            maximize core file limit XXX Don't open this line
##max-core-file-size =
##-u <user> assume identity of (only when run as root)
user = root
##-c <num>      max simultaneous connections, default is 1024
max-connections = 1024
##-b <num>      max item buffer size in bytes, default is 1KB
max-item-buffer-size = 1024
##-v            verbose (print errors/warnings while in event loop)
##-vv           very verbose (also print client commands/reponses)
##-h            print this help and exit
##-i            print license info
##-P <file>     save PID in <file>, only used with -d option
pid-file = /var/run/memcachedb/memcachedb.pid

##--------------------BerkeleyDB Options-------------------------------
##-m <num>      in-memmory cache size of BerkeleyDB in megabytes, default is 64MB
max-cache-size = $(max_cache_size)
##-A <num>      underlying page size in bytes, default is 4096, (512B ~ 64KB, power-of-two)
#page-size = 4096
##-f <file>     filename of database, default is /data1/memcachedb/default.db
database-data-file = /var/memcachedb/data/memcachedb.db
##-H <dir>      env home of database, default is /data1/memcachedb
database-data-home = /var/memcachedb

##-L <num>      log buffer size in kbytes, default is 32KB
#log-buffer-size = 32
##-C <num>      do checkpoint every XX seconds, 0 for disable, default is 60s
#checkpoint-cycle = 60
##-D <num>      do deadlock detecting every XXX millisecond, 0 for disable, default is 100ms
#deadlock-check-cycle = 100
##-N            enable DB_TXN_NOSYNC to gain big performance improved, default is off
db-txn-nosync = 1

##--------------------Replication Options-------------------------------
##-R            identifies the host and port used by this site (required).
#server-name-port =
##-O            identifies another site participating in this replication group
#remote-server-name-port =
###-M/-S         start as a master or slave
#master = 1
#slave = 1
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